Our greensboro nc store

Our Greensboro North Carolina Store is the first one!

The Greensboro, NC store is very special and contains the original concept for the retail environment and continues to be our "concept store" where we can try new products and display ideas.

The building is located in a nice, quiet neighborhood that has the perfect setting of terrain for testing all of our eBikes.

We have a proper eMountain Bike or eMTB course nearby where the Class 1, 20 Mph Pedal Assist eMTB models can be tested and ridden.

Below are a series of photos that we will update occasionally. The Interior of the store is designed to highlight the various "use cases" of the products with some eBikes displayed in front of photos we shot ourselves locally in Greensboro.

Street Address
400 State Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27405

Phone Number
888-876-6473, Extension 1

WINTER HOURS, through Feb 2024.
Wednesday - Friday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Appointment only on other days, click here

Our Brands


Check Out Our Mobile Showroom

Our white glove service offers the delivery of premium quality eBikes delivered to your door.
View Mobile Showroom