Experience it for yourself today!
Choose your location below to book a test ride with one of our eBike experts!Why test ride an eBike?

Assure a perfect fit.
It's important to make sure an eBike feels like it was made for you—or can at least be modified to fit you with a few smart parts swaps—before you ride it out the door.

Try different styles.
Keep up in stop-and-start traffic, more easily haul kids or cargo, or simply enjoy a little extra oomph on rides that otherwise might have seemed too far or too hilly.

It's really fun!
Once you feel the power and assistance an eBike provides, you will be as passionate about riding a bike as you were when you were a kid!
eBike Central is the leading eBike dealer in the South East with locations in Greensboro and Charlotte, NC . Click here to learn more.