Bike Advocacy

in North Carolina

eBike Central is committed as part of its mission to supporting Bicycle Advocacy by donating financially and in-person to events that increase awareness around Bicycles, eBikes and Safer Riding. 

We have met with Governors, Senators, City Council Representatives, Urban Planners and Bicycle advocates to provide demonstrations on how Electric Bicycles or eBikes fit in with general bicycle use. Therefore, eBikes are entitled to the same infrastructure created for Bicycles. In this way, we are promoting a continued and increased development of infrastructure including bicycle lanes (especially protected lanes), pathways and greenways.

We believe that an increase in Safer Riding will exponentially increase bicycle use. This includes recreational but even more important the utility and transportation use of bicycles to reduce car traffic and emissions. 

The following are Bicycle Advocacy groups that we financially support through annual donations. 

Donation amount to date

Community Bike Shop - Greensboro, NC

The Community Bike Shop at Barber Park in Greensboro NC exists to reduce barriers to quality of life by providing access to transportation, fun, and community. We collaborate to recycle, restore and re-home donated bicycles for marginalized members of the community. We provide a fun and collaborative environment for those who are interested in learning how to ride or work on bikes and we provide access to a weekly Bicycle Library that allows people to experience the park by bicycle.

Website link:


Bike Durham - Durham, NC

Mission: Through events, advocacy, and education, Bike Durham empowers all people to walk, bike, and ride transit more often.

Vision: Everyone should have access to safe, affordable, and sustainable transportation regardless of who they are or where they live.

Website link:


Bike Walk NC - North Carolina Statewide

BikeWalk NC is a membership-based, statewide advocacy organization promoting non-motorized transportation choices for residents of and visitors to NC. Our existing and potential support base includes shop owners, cycling clubs, transportation professionals, local advocacy organizations, elected officials, allied non-profits, business groups, government, environmental and health-oriented organizations and various individual advocates across the state interested in promoting people-powered transportation.

Website link:


BIG - Bicycling In Greensboro, NC

Mission: BIG exists to help transform greater Greensboro through advocacy, education and service into a more bicycle friendly community. 

Vision: We envision the greater Greensboro area as a place where riding a bicycle is safe and convenient for everyone, where bicycling is the top choice for recreation and everyday trips, and where the benefits of bicycling are experienced and valued by all.

Website link:


Oaks & Spokes - Raleigh, NC

Oaks and Spokes is an advocacy organization on a mission to make the City of Oaks, the City of Spokes. We’re working to create better transportation outcomes in our community: 

  • Advocating for safer streets for ALL users
  • Building better connections for active transportation
  • Fostering community for all people on bikes in Raleigh
  • Increasing access to new experiences for everyone who rides or wishes to

Website link: