Gazelle eBikes and eBike Central

The Gazelle Bike Story – History

Gazelle eBikes and eBike Central

Every Royal Dutch gazelle is built on 127 years of history.
They are an icon for Holland and far beyond when it comes to the evolution of a Dutch bike. We haven’t just been along for the ride, we lead the way. Our bikes are Comfortable, Safe and Cleverly designed. They are built with passion with the belief that things can always be done better.

That’s why today at Gazelle we anticipate tomorrow. So if you want to Enjoy the Ride, Ringing your bell, Wearing comfortable clothes, Transporting everything and anything from groceries to children, and to use E-Power to make Hills feel as flat as Holland, choose the one and only true Dutch bike, the Royal Dutch Gazelle.

Check out all the details that goes into producing the best eBikes in the world: