Gazelle eBikes and eBike Central

Gazelle Bike’s Paint Shop

Gazelle eBikes and eBike Central

Every Royal Dutch gazelle is given four coats of paint so a real Gazelle can definitely handle a hard knock.
Every year nearly 1,000,000 frames and components travel the 1.6 km through our paint shop which is the longest paint shop in the world. Here the highest quality paint is applied in six hours. How do we do it?

First we check for any Irregularities, then we apply a base of Powder Coating which works like a base coat of paint by positively charging the base powder and negatively charging the frame or component. The powder only goes where it’s needed and we waste next to nothing.

In the oven the powder melts to form an even coat of paint and once it is cooled the bike is ready to be colored. We always apply two layers of color which means that each bike has to go back into the oven two more times. Some bikes even have a second color as well.

We use 70,000 kg of paint for this. Each bike gets its own design applied by hand. This is true precision work and to finish it off, a tough clear layer of paint is applied to each bike.

Check out all the details that goes into producing the best eBikes in the world: