We love the Soda City Market, Columbia SC!

We are prepping to open our Columbia, South Carolina store on July 2! Work is underway on the space now.
Columbia is an incredible city! We are so excited to be in the Capital of South Carolina. Even better, we are located at 1332 Main Street. Yes, Main Street!
Located in a historic arcade mall that will have the latest technology in one of the oldest facilities for retail shopping.
Very cool!
We can see the capital building from our sidewalk. We also have a Sheraton and Starbucks across the street, and several restaurants in the Arcade with us. In the mall, we are next door to the locally famous Pita Pit, and a Deli across the corridor.
But, the most important part of our Columbia experience has been getting settled into the weekly street market on Main Street.
The Soda City Market is the only market of its kind in the entire United States!
Every Saturday, the city closes off several blocks of Main Street for specific vendors to present their products for purchase.